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Searle CL, Gutierrez SO, Ciubotariu II, López-Cruz A, Christie MR (In press) Demographic rescue falters when pathogens are present. Ecology.
Lee A, Daniels BN, Hemstrom W, López C, Davidson JM, Toonen RJ, White C, Christie MR (In press) Genetic adaptation despite high gene flow in a range-expanding population. Molecular Ecology. link
Hemstrom WP, Grummer J, Luikart G, Christie MR (2024) Next-generation data filtering in the genomics era. Nature Reviews Genetics PDF ; link
Daniels BN, Andrasz CL, Zarate N, Lee A, López C, Christie MR, Toonen RJ, White C, Anderson P, Davidson J (2023) De novo genome and transcriptome assembly of Kelletia kelletii, a coastal gastropod and fisheries species exhibiting a northern range expansion. Frontiers in Marine Science 10:1278131. PDF ; link
Daniels BN, Nurge J, Sleeper O, Lee A, López C, Christie MR, Toonen RJ, Anderson P, Davidson J, White C (2023) Genomic DNA extraction optimization and validation for genome sequencing using the marine gastropod Kellet's whelk. Peer J 11, e16510. PDF ; link
Sparks MM, Schraidt CE, Yin X, Seeb LW, Christie MR (2023) Rapid genetic adaptation to a novel ecosystem despite a massive founder effect. Molecular Ecology. PDF
Christie MR, McNickle GG (2023) Negative frequency dependent selection unites ecology and evolution. Ecology & Evolution 13:e10327. PDF
Schraidt CE, Ackiss AS, Larson WA, Rowe MD, Höök TO, Christie MR (2023) Dispersive currents explain patterns of population connectivity in an ecologically and economically important fish. Evolutionary Applications 16:1284-1301. PDF
Sparks MM, Kraft JC, Blackstone KMS, McNickle GG, Christie MR (2022). Large genetic divergence underpins cryptic local adaptation across ecological and evolutionary gradients. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 289: 20221472. PDF
Lamka GF, Harder AM, Mekala S, Schwartz T, Christie MR, DeWoody JA, Willoughby JR (2022) Epigenetics in ecology, evolution, and conservation. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10:871791. PDF
Harder AM, Christie MR (2022). Genomic signatures of adaptation to novel environments: hatchery and life-history associated loci in landlocked and anadromous Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 79:761–770. PDF
Searle CL, Christie MR (2021) Evolutionary rescue in host-pathogen systems. Evolution 75:2948-2958. PDF
Yin X, Martinez AS, Sepúlveda MS, Christie MR (2021) Rapid genetic adaptation to recently-colonized environments is driven by genes underlying life history traits. BMC Genomics 22:1-16. PDF
Dunlop ES, Christie MR, McLaughlin R, Steeves TB (2021) Life history evolution of sea lamprey predicted to reduce the effectiveness of pesticide control. Journal of Great Lakes Research 75:2948-2958. PDF
Yin X, Martinez AS, Perkins A, Sparks MM, Harder AM, Willoughby JR, Sepúlveda MS, Christie MR. (2020) Incipient resistance to an effective pesticide results from genetic adaptation and the canalization of gene expression. Evolutionary Applications 14:847-859. PDF
Feron R, Zahm M, Cabau C, Klopp C, Roques C, Bouchez O, Eché C, Valière S, Donnadieu C, Haffray P, Bestin A, Morvezen R, Acloque H, Euclide PT, Wen M, Jouano E, Schartl M, Postlethwait JH, Schraidt CGG, Christie MR, Larson W, Herpin A, Guiguen Y. (2020) Characterization of a Y-specific duplication/insertion of the anti-Mullerian hormone type II receptor gene based on a chromosome-scale genome assembly of yellow perch, Perca flavescens. Molecular Ecology Resources 20:531-543. PDF
Harder AM, Willoughby JR, Ardren WR, Christie MR (2020) Among family variation in survival and gene expression uncovers adaptive genetic variation in a threatened fish. Molecular Ecology 29:1035-1049. PDF
Christie MR, Dunlop ES, Sepúlveda MS (2019) Rapid resistance to pesticide control is predicted to evolve in an invasive fish. Scientific Reports 9:18157. PDF
LaRue EA, Emery NC, Briley L, Christie MR (2019) Geographic variation in
dispersal distance facilitates range expansion of a lake shore plant in response to climate change. Diversity and Distributions 25:1429-1440. PDF
Willoughby JR, Waser PM, Brüniche-Olsen A, Christie MR (2019) Inbreeding load and inbreeding depression estimated from lifetime reproductive success in a small, dispersal-limited population. Heredity 123:192-201. PDF
Willoughby JR, Christie MR (2019) Long-term demographic and genetic effects of releasing captive-born individuals into the wild. Conservation Biology 33:377-388. PDF
Christie MR, McNickle GG, French RA, Blouin MS (2018) Life history variation is maintained by fitness trade-offs and negative frequency dependent selection. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115:4441-4446. PDF
Christie MR, Searle CL (2018). Evolutionary rescue in a host-pathogen system results in coexistence not clearance. Evolutionary Applications 11:681-693. PDF
Johnson, DW, Christie MR, Pusack TJ, Stallings CD, Hixon MA (2018) Integrating larval connectivity with local demography reveals regional dynamics of a marine metapopulation. Ecology 99:1419-1429. PDF
Harder AM, Ardren WR, Evans AN, Futia MH, Kraft CE, Marsden JE, Richter CA, Rinchard J, Tillitt DE, Christie MR (2018) Thiamine deficiency in fishes: causes, consequences, and potential solutions. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 28:865-886. PDF
Martinez AS, Willoughby JR, Christie MR (2018) Genetic diversity in fishes is influenced by habitat type and life history variation. Ecology and Evolution 8:12022-12031. PDF
Willoughby JR, Harder AM, Tennessen JA, Scribner KT, Christie MR (2018) Rapid genetic adaptation to a novel environment despite a genome-wide reduction in genetic diversity. Molecular Ecology 27:4041-4051. PDF
Christie MR, Miermans PG, Gaggioti OE, Toonen RJ, White C (2017) Disentangling the relative merits and disadvantages of parentage analysis and assignment tests for inferring population connectivity. ICES Journal of Marine Science 74:1749-1762. PDF
Dunlop, ES, McLaughlin R, Adams JV, Jones M, Birceanu O, Christie MR, Criger LA, Hinderer JLM, Hollingworth RM, Johnson NS, Lantz S, Li W, Miller J, Morrison BJ, Mota-Sanchez D, Muir A, Sepúlveda MS, Steeves T, Walter L, Westman E, Wirgin I, and Wilkie MP (2017) Rapid evolution meets invasive species control: The potential for pesticide resistance in sea lamprey. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 75:152-168. PDF
Willoughby JR, Christie MR (2017) Captive ancestry upwardly biases estimates of relative reproductive success in supplemented populations. Journal of Heredity 108:583-587. PDF
Christie MR, Marine ML, Fox SE, French RA, Blouin MS (2016) A single generation of domestication heritably alters the expression of hundreds of genes. Nature Communications 7:10676. PDF
Thomaz AT, Christie MR, Knowles LL (2016) The architecture of river networks can drive the evolutionary dynamics of aquatic populations. Evolution 70:731-739. PDF
Thompson NF, Christie MR, Marine ML, Curtis LD, Blouin MS (2016) Spawn date explains variation in growth rate among families of hatchery reared Hood River steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Environmental Biology of Fishes 99:581-591. PDF
Christie MR, Knowles LL (2015) Habitat corridors facilitate genetic resilience irrespective of species dispersal abilities or population sizes. Evolutionary Applications 8:454-463. PDF
Johnson DW, Christie MR, Stallings CD, Pusack TJ, Hixon MA (2015) Using post-settlement demography to estimate larval survivorship: a coral reef fish example. Oecologia 179:729-739. PDF
Christie MR, Ford MJ, Blouin MS (2014) On the reproductive success of early-generation hatchery fish in the wild. Evolutionary Applications 7:883-896. PDF
Fox SE, Christie MR, Marine ML, Priest HD, Mockler TC, Blouin MS (2014) De novo sequencing and characterization of the anadromous steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) transcriptome and its application for expression analyses in hatchery and wild fish. Marine Genomics 15:13-15. PDF
Pusack TJ, Christie MR, Johnson DW, Stallings CD, Hixon MA (2014) Spatial and temporal patterns of larval dispersal in a coral-reef fish metapopulation: evidence of variable reproductive success. Molecular Ecology 23:3396-3408. PDF
Christie MR, French RA, Marine ML, Blouin MS (2014) How much does inbreeding contribute to the reduced fitness of captive-born individuals in the wild? Journal of Heredity 105:111-113. PDF
Christie MR (2013) Bayesian parentage analysis reliably controls the number of false assignments in natural populations. Molecular Ecology 22:5731-5737. PDF
Christie MR, Hixon MA (2013) Patterns of reef-fish larval dispersal in Exuma Sound, Bahamas in Coastal-Marine Conservation: Science and Policy (eds. G. Carleton Ray, J. McCormick-Ray), 2nd edition.
Christie MR, Tennessen JA, Blouin MS (2013) Bayesian parentage analysis with systematic accountability of genotyping error, missing data, and false matching. Bioinformatics 29:725-732. PDF
Steinauer ML, Christie MR, Blouin MS, Agola LE, Mwangi IN, Maina GM, Mutuku MW, Kinuthia JM, Mkoji GM, Loker ES (2013). Kinship analysis reveals strong family structure in schistosome parasite samples from humans. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 7:e2456. PDF
Christie MR, Marine ML, French RA, Blouin MS (2012) Genetic adaptation to captivity can occur in a single generation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109:238-242. PDF
Christie MR, Marine ML, French RA, Waples RS, Blouin MS (2012) Effective size of a wild salmonid population is greatly reduced by hatchery supplementation. Heredity 109:254-260. PDF
Carrol E, Childerhouse SJ, Christie MR, Lavery S, Patenaude N, Alexander A, Constantine R, Steel D, Boren L, Baker CS (2012) Paternity assignment and demographic closure in the New Zealand southern right whale. Molecular Ecology 21:3960-3973. PDF
Christie MR, Marine ML, Blouin MS (2011) Who are the missing parents? Grandparentage analysis identifies multiple sources of gene flow. Molecular Ecology 20:1263-1276. PDF
Johnson DW, Christie MR, Moye J, Hixon MA (2011) Genetic correlations between adults and larvae in a marine fish: potential effects of fishery selection on population replenishment. Evolutionary Applications 4:621-633. PDF
Christie MR, Stallings CD, Johnson DW, Hixon MA (2010) Self-recruitment and sweepstakes reproduction amid extensive gene flow in a coral-reef fish. Molecular Ecology 19:1042-1057. PDF
Christie MR (2010) Parentage in natural populations: novel methods to detect parent-offspring pairs in large datasets. Molecular Ecology Resources 10:115-128. PDF
Christie MR, Tissot BN, Albins MA, Beets JP, Jia Y, Ortiz DM, Thompson SE, Hixon MA (2010) Larval connectivity in an effective network of marine protected areas. PLoS ONE 5:e15715. PDF
Johnson DW, Christie MR, Moye J (2010) Quantifying evolutionary potential of marine fish larvae: Heritability, selection and evolutionary constraints. Evolution 64:2614-2628. PDF
Christie MR, Eble JA (2009) Isolation and characterization of 23 microsatellite loci in the yellow tang, Zebrasoma flavescens (Pisces: Acanthuridae). Molecular Ecology Resources 9:544-546. PDF